"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think, and feel."--Abraham Lincoln
On this page you will find suggested assignments based on the videos and resource materials. You can download:
- a detailed description of each video scene
questions based on each scene
- a list of vocabulary and definitions that
come from each scene
- a list of vocabulary used in the context of a quotation that
suggests its meaning, for gaining further facility with the words
questions that
focus on the struggle for black human rights in the decades since the Civil War
answer questions and writing prompts suitable for 5th and 6th graders
thinking questions that apply lessons learned to the students' own lives. The form can be downloaded and typed into directly. Golden Gate Opera is interested to see student responses from
those who would like to share them.
- we further encourage educators to bring their own questions and topics for discussion to their students, and/or to apply the suggested material to the level of students they teach